Abnormal Cervical Cells In Line With Pregnancy

Abnormal Cervical Cells In Line With Pregnancy

What happens if you tend to have abnormal cells in case if you are pregnant? The cervical screening tests can be conducted on a routine basis, till the point you have had a baby. The results of the pregnancy could be pretty hard to determine. In case if you planning to become pregnant, then it is better to get in touch with your GP, whether you are up to date with the cervical cancer. You can undergo the test and if case if you need any course of treatment then get it done before you get pregnant.

On the other hand, if you are already pregnant, and are planning to get your cervical screening test undertaken, then wait till 3 months before the baby is being born. When you are asked to be part of the test then do inform your GP that you are pregnant. The onus is on them to delay the test. If on the other hand if you had abnormal cervical cells during pregnancydo not lose hope. If the results of the test indicate some form of abnormal function, then there is no need to press the panic button. This is no way indicates that you have cancer, but there are some abnormal cells which could be easily treated which is possible a few months after your birth.

If there is needfor colposcopy which is a test where a close examination of your vagina or cervix is undertaken and this is pretty much the scenario can a pap smear determine pregnancy. It is pretty safe during the course of pregnancy as the doctor can figure out how the amount of cells in the cervix has gone on to change. Once the doctor tells you that there is presence of abnormal cells, no way does it mean that you have cervical cancer, it does point to the fact that further course of testing may be needed.

Before you give birth

If a small amount of change have taken place, with the cells of the cervix, then there is no need for treatment after 3 months till your baby is born. After that point of time you would need to have another colposcopy done to check whether there are any abnormal cells in the cervix. When there is mild change witnessed in women, they tend to go back to normal without any further treatment needed. If the cells are abnormal then your doctor may ask to be part of another colposcopy, which is going to be around 6 months till you are pregnant

After birth

If the cells present in the cervix have not returned back to the normal self after pregnancy, then there is no option rather than treatment to get restored. It is suggested that you discuss with your doctor on what the treatment options which is available to you. As part of the treatment it is important that you follow up the appointments on a regular basis to ensure that things return back to normal.

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