Getting Third Party Product Inspection Versus Letting The Factory Handle It

Getting Third Party Product Inspection Versus Letting The Factory Handle It

If you are a business owner and are planning on getting products shipped in from overseas. Then you will naturally want to consider getting those products inspected beforehand. Plenty of businesses out there perform inspections to ensure that the supplier is making the product up to your standards. Now, plenty of factories have their own internal inspection services. So, a business owner could choose to just the internal inspection services handle it as opposed to getting a third-party firm. In this article, we are going to go over the benefits of both approaches.

Internal inspection services

There are 2 main advantages to relying on the supplier’s own inspection services. For starters, you do not need to worry about a third-party inspection service making things complicated between you and your supplier. Secondly, using internal inspection services costs nothing.

No need to deal with a third party

A lot of business owners have a good relationship with their supplier and they have no issues dealing with them. One of the big advantages of just letting the supplier handle product inspections themselves is that you do not need to involve another party. Involving another party could potentially spoil a productive relationship. Plus, whenever you add another party into the mix, things just get more complicated. So, business owners who prefer keeping things as simple and straightforward as possible may prefer to just let the supplier handle all inspections.

It can save money in the short-term

If you are looking to save every possible dime in the short-term, then you probably do not want to spring for the services of a third-party inspection service. Budget conscious business owners may find that they cannot afford to get a third-party inspection done and so they will instead choose to rely on the supplier’s own internal quality control. Now, this saves money in the short-term, but as will be explained in a later section, it may not save you money in the long-term.

Third party inspection services

There are a couple of advantages to using a product inspections service. First off, a third-party firm can save you money in the long-term. Secondly, it can help you build trust with your customers.

Saving you money in the long-term

So, while you lose money actually paying for the inspection services if they help you stop a massive problem then they will actually save you money down the line. An entire shipment could be ruined by an issue that would have been caught by a third-party firm. Likewise, a third-party inspection service can help prevent shipment delays, which can also end up costing you big money.

They help build trust with customers

Showing your potential customers that you got your supplier checked out by a qualified firm can make them feel more at ease and more comfortable doing business with you. Sure, some potential customers do not care. But, other potential customers may care and by not getting your supplier inspected by a trusted third-party, you may lose out on said customers.

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