How To Hire A Potential Project Manager Candidate

How To Hire A Potential Project Manager Candidate

Looking for your next project manager? Are you getting tired? if the statement is ‘yes’, then assessment test is an ideal option for you. When you think on how to choose the right project manager for your company, there are plenty of ways available. The project manager is the heart& soul of any organization who is responsible for getting new projects to the team. On top of that, they play vital role in increasing the productivity of an organization. So, it is mandatory to conduct the assessment test for the project manager. 

When it comes to recruiting an employee, a recruiter can conduct basic assessment test to hire the right person for the post. But what should a company do in hiring a right project manager? Well, the answer is evaluating the skill of a candidate by conducting project manager skills assessment test. It really helps to evaluate the skill of a candidate. In general, the project manager is the one who takes care of the entire project. So, a recruiter has to use the following in their assessment test.

  • Knowledge
  • Cognitive skills
  • Personality


In this section, you can easily measure what a candidate already knows. In fact, it is the knowledge on the technical perspective. A good project manager is the one who should have an in-depth knowledge on the following subjects

  • Project risk management
  • Project Time management
  • Project communication management
  • Project quality management
  • Project procurement management
  • Project scope management
  • Project cost management

So, a potential project manager candidate should possess knowledge on the above topics so that they can be able to carry the project successfully. To evaluate such abilities of a candidate, the psychometric test is used by any organization.

Cognitive Area

The cognitive assessment test is another part of a recruitment process. The cognitive test helps the recruiter to identify a potential project manager. A good project manager is the one who possesses verbal and non –verbal ability. Verbal reasoning includes numbers and words, while Non- verbal reasoning includes images, shapes etc. As per the recent research when a candidate solving nonverbal reasoning, the right brain is stimulated. Hence, it is mandatory to include this cognitive assessment test on the part of an interview process. If an organization paid for the assessment test, then the test results will be given to the organization. The test results include the strength, score, and ability of a candidate. Also, it tells the areas which a candidate needs to improve. From the test result, a recruiter can determine whether a candidate possesses the sufficient knowledge on that role.  When an organization wants an individual to improve the weak areas, then they might conduct training program that let aspirant acquire the required knowledge.


The personality test is used to evaluate the personal behaviour, motivation, character, sensitivity, and similar endeavours. By measuring the personal traits of a potential project manager candidate, the recruiter can determine what kind of tasks they can do easily.

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