How To Improve Concentration When Working

How To Improve Concentration When Working

How To Improve Concentration When Working

When you are not concentrating, your brain turns off. You won’t be able to come up with new and creative ideas and your critical thinking skills will be negatively affected. To add, it is believed that if your brain is turned off for a prolonged period, there is a higher likelihood of having early onset dementia and premature aging.

Find an Ideal Workplace

Find an Ideal Workplace

Look for space where you can think better. Choose an office that is away from distractions. With this, co-working spaces like Common Desk can prove to be promising. They have private offices where you won’t be bothered by anyone as you work. Plus, they also have stable internet connection to make sure that you will get things done.

Switch off your Phone

By turning off your mobile phone when working, your attention will be on what you need to do and you won’t be easily distracted. By minimizing the distractions, your brain’s functions are improved and you can easily maintain a laser-like focus. With no Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, among others, you can beat deadlines easily.

Surround yourself with the Right People

Co-workers can be toxic. The noises they make, for instance, can make you distracted. With this, it is important that you are surrounded by organized people so that your concentration can be improved. If you use to work in coffee shops as a freelancer, look for spaces that are more intimate, Co-working spaces can be the solution. Visit and look for an office space for rent, a place where you can concentrate better as you work.

Take a Break

Regardless of how busy you are trying to accomplish projects on time, find a moment to take a break. Learn the Pomodoro technique. Developed by Francesco Cirillo, the latter is a time management technique wherein you will use a timer to work at regular intervals, usually within 25 minutes. Once such time has elapsed, you need to rest for a while, and after this, you will realize that concentrating is a lot easier.

Get Some Sleep

Get Some Sleep

For improved concentration, hit the sack early. Strive for a minimum of eight hours of sleep per night and in the morning, you can function better both in a physical and mental state. Sleep deprivation negatively affects attention and working memory. It also impacts your decision-making skills.  

Create a To-Do List

By planning your day carefully, you will know which tasks need to be prioritized. This will prevent procrastination. At the start of the day, or even before you sleep at night, list down the things that you need to do and figure out which ones need to come first. As much as possible, start with the big jobs and leave the small tasks later.

When working, concentration is important as it will allow you to think clearly and accomplish tasks in a timely manner. To improve concentration, find a quiet place to work, be surrounded by organized people, find time to have a break, and prioritize your tasks.

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